About Me

Well, My name is Fred and I am 24. I live in New Lenox when I am not in school but when I am at school I live in Macomb. I am a senior at Western Illinois University majoring in Instructional Design and Technology.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Double U Tee Eff!!!!!!! Ryan Left!

If you dont understand the title of this blog entry, it is a spoof on WTF (now do you get it??)

I will say this, Ryan was a good guy. I am not going to judge him for opening the chest because I did the same thing. He HAD to be the one that locked that door though. I didn't really know who was going to be executed this round. I thought for sure it was going to be me with getting that virus. I am glad that I am still in the game though. It is getting really intense now that it is down to the final four. I think the thing that has been the most fun is reading Evin's blog actually :). They are so funny. I am not saying that to be mean or anything, its just fun to look at the game from his perspective. I really respect Padraig as well in this game and I am glad he remained in the game. I did not think it was possible to find someone more dedicated to ORG's than me. Andy I also give alot of credit for remaining in the game even though he is dealing with a different time zone than the rest of us. Sure we are all in different ones, but his is more drastic. Ryan will be missed because he definitely added an element of sanity.

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