About Me

Well, My name is Fred and I am 24. I live in New Lenox when I am not in school but when I am at school I live in Macomb. I am a senior at Western Illinois University majoring in Instructional Design and Technology.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Double U Tee Eff!!!!!!! Ryan Left!

If you dont understand the title of this blog entry, it is a spoof on WTF (now do you get it??)

I will say this, Ryan was a good guy. I am not going to judge him for opening the chest because I did the same thing. He HAD to be the one that locked that door though. I didn't really know who was going to be executed this round. I thought for sure it was going to be me with getting that virus. I am glad that I am still in the game though. It is getting really intense now that it is down to the final four. I think the thing that has been the most fun is reading Evin's blog actually :). They are so funny. I am not saying that to be mean or anything, its just fun to look at the game from his perspective. I really respect Padraig as well in this game and I am glad he remained in the game. I did not think it was possible to find someone more dedicated to ORG's than me. Andy I also give alot of credit for remaining in the game even though he is dealing with a different time zone than the rest of us. Sure we are all in different ones, but his is more drastic. Ryan will be missed because he definitely added an element of sanity.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Episode 6 Confessional

I guess I could only say one thing about this episode: Whoops, My Bad!!

Seriously though, If you had a 1 in 3 shot at an exemption for 50 cents, wouldn't you take it? I wanted it because I have the virus this round and I do not feel like getting executed. I am still unsure of who the mole is but I have a feeling about this. I just don't know what is going to happen this week. All I know is that I want to be here next week because I want to win really bad. As for the Mole Idol, I thought my only responsibility was to select the song for the task. Again, my bad. The funhouse challenge was fun. I accidentally locked the left door but I caught my mistake afterwards. The big puzzle was the top door being locked. I tried it but it was already locked. I got through the right door where I found a chest and I took it. The riddles were fun and I figured them out rather quickly thank goodness. I have a theory about the top door. I think Ryan got it right, then went back and locked it, i could be wrong, but I digress. That is all for today, thank you.

P.S. Evin, your confessionals are funnie!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mike Went Home

Wow, NOT expecting that. I am very upset with myself for not giving him the exemption now. I was hoping for him to go to the very end. It just sucks because he was one of my best friends in the game and now he is gone. I will win this one for you Mike. On a more positive note, I broke in to the vault. Those clues were a little cryptic. I got something out of there but I am not going to say what. There is some GOOD stuff in that vault.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Episode 5 Confessional

I keep trying to tell myself that this is a game and on the outside, I am playing it very well. If you all only knew. I am a person that does not like to piss off other people and I also try to make everyone happy. I betrayed the trust of alot of people in this last round alone. Alot of the things that I promised to do, I didn't do. I am truly sorry to Mike and Andy. Mike I feel like I stole an exemption from you and that is messed up. Andy, I didn't hold to our deal in the auction game and for that I apologize. This game is extremely hard mentally. On a more positive note, i made the F5 so I think I will be ok.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Aaron, He Gone!!

I really don't want to be mean, but I have to say that I think that Aaron should have gone before Keith. Not to say that Aaron isn't a good player, its just that Keith was online alot more than Aaron. I never got to have one conversation with him. He was definitely not on my list of mole suspects. It really getting down to the wire really fast in this game and people are leaving left and right. I have however narrowed my list of suspects. Here is my current list of suspects in no particular order: Mike, Andy, Padraig, Evin, and Ryan.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Episode 4 Confessional

Well, I have to say I feel kinda bad this episode. I got the exemption, but I got it at the expense of other people. Not feelin good about that. The person I feel the worst for is Ryan. I feel like I tricked him in to giving me his ticket. I did give him the 3 mole points, but I don't think that makes up for it. Ryan, if you read this, I am sorry for doing that, but I wanted the exemption. The two tickets that you gave me were a surprise, and I hope you don't get executed this round. Mike, same for you. I am sorry that I couldn't give you my token, but I just couldn't do that when Evin had offered the tickets to Padraig possibly getting more tokens. If that wasn't an issue, you would have had my token. I hope you aren't gone this round Mike. As for Challenge 4.2, the big question is, Was it fair? honestly, no. Here is my reasoning. Only 4 people really showed up at the challenge. 2 people switch. that is 2 votes automatically for the unswitched players. The unswitched players could not get a majority vote for the life of them, so no matter how me and Andy voted, we would have lost the money anyways. Im not going to complain because I am happy for Evin and Padraig getting the plus 2's, I would have done the same thing in their position so no hard feelings (P.S. Not saying that because I have the exemption)

I don't really know if I am getting a good handle on who the mole is, but I just hope I can get to the end.

Trust No One