About Me

Well, My name is Fred and I am 24. I live in New Lenox when I am not in school but when I am at school I live in Macomb. I am a senior at Western Illinois University majoring in Instructional Design and Technology.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Keith = Executed

How can I put this delicately.......


Keith was an AMAZING person and I cannot believe he is executed. He should still be in this game. I just feel violated that he is gone. Not enough can be said about him. It just like dear lord. This game is bout to get ugly. I just hope that I am not the next person to go. Keith, you will be missed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Week 3 confessional

Ok, well this week kinda sucked for me. I was incredibly busy this weekend and had no time to do any of the challenges. I was at a conference called IRHA and presented a program based around survivor. It went well, but now i feel like i am losing my hold on the game. I am still very much in this game its just that I do have other things in my life going on and the live challenges are scheduled at the same time that I have meetings. Wednesdays are bad for me. I also feel bad that I have not been able to talk to andy because I know he is trying, its just im not there which has been the case for most of this week. If I am gone this week, it will suck, but I hope I dont leave.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Brentin Gone.... Now What?

Well, Brentin is gone. I can't really say that I am surprised at him being gone. I never saw him on AIM so it just made sense. However his execution marks an important part of this game. Everyone left is ready to play and I just hope that I am up to the task of doing it. I really want to win this game, and I don't want to do it for the money. These games for me are all about pride. I guess this is why I am upset that 2 people basically quit whether by circumstance or choice. Let the games begin.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week 2 Confessional

Well Week 2 is over and I couldn't be more happy. I have talked to alot more people this week than before. I am even more happy that I got an exemption. I feel bad about getting it because Padraig got in to an accident so I feel that I got it at his expense. Padraig kinda messed up the challenges this week but I don't know if that was on purpose or on accident. I guess we will just have to wait and see what this next week holds. I kinda messed up on my questions for the challenge. I thought I was right but I guess I was dead wrong on some of them. As for the people left in this game lemme go over them:

Mike: I like him. I think he is a great guy and easy to talk to
Evin: Again, I like him and I think we have alot in common. He is in to Student Government as am I to an extent
Keith: Another great guy and I think that he will go far in the game.
Andy: I feel bad because I was incredibly busy when we started our conversation. I will finish it though
Padraig: I tried to talk to Padraig but never got a response and have never seen him on AIM but once. I think he has alot of personality I have just yet to really talk to him.
Ryan: Have not talked to him yet, but I know he is active
Aaron: Like Ryan, haven't talked to him
Brentin: Who?

Well, thats all folks, see you next week.

Heidi Go Bye-Bye

Well, Heidi is gone which is weird. I have not played a game with her before but I do know of her because I played a game with her sister. She played the same game except in an earlier season. She was very active and even considered a threat. She must not have submitted a quiz because I answered quite a few questions on her. Well she is gone and that mean I am that much closer to the end game.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

First Episode Blog Confessional

Well here is my first Public confessional.

So far, I have talked to 2 people in this game so I don't know anyone. No one is ever online for the game every time I check or they are idle. It is kind of discouraging. Of course all of this had to happen during a very busy week for me. The two people I have talked to were Keith and Mike. I like them, they are nice, but it could be a rouse. Oh well, I guess that is the way things are going right now.

Trust No One